Why Choose Boarding School?

Fewer Distractions

Students in boarding schools have more time and energy to focus on their academic studies because distractions are more limited. There’s still plenty of time for entertainment activities like television, video games, and hanging out with friends, but they’re provided in a structured manner so that they don’t interfere with schoolwork.

Personal Attention to Academics

On average, Oak Hill enrolls 150 students per school year. This allows us to keep class sizes small (about nine per class), which gives us the chance to nurture individual talents and interests and provide immediate assistance to those who need it. We have designated study times where students can get extra tutoring in subjects they’re struggling with as well as more in-depth instruction from faculty for subjects in which they excel and are eager to learn more.

Zero Cell Phones in Class

With our “pockets of usage” cell phone policy, students are allotted ample time in the afternoons to interact with their phones. This gives plenty of usage time, but helps free students from the omnipresent distractions devices can cause in everyday life (even among adults!).

Families Maintain a Strong Presence

Our goal is to make sure both students and parents are comfortable in our boarding environment. Parents have a consistent and direct line of communication with faculty, who are diligent about answering questions and providing assurance of students’ care. The residential life staff and administrators also help facilitate regular communication and give parents insight into their student’s life beyond the classroom. We also encourage family members to join our parent’s association, where you can get more involved in school activities.

A Stronger Sense of Community

Every boarding school student is encouraged to grow not just academically but also socially. To build a stronger sense of community, we hold socials outside of class where students interact, make friends, and develop key interpersonal skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. We emphasize the importance of diversity, sensitivity, and awareness of others.

Better Prepared for Life Beyond High School

Structured independence prepares students for life after high school — both for a college-level curriculum as well as the challenges that come with living independently for the first time on your own. Many college freshmen arrive at school not knowing how to manage their time, structure their studies, make new friends, or even perform daily tasks like budgeting their money or doing their own laundry. Boarding school students develop all of these skills in a safe, supervised environment, so they have a clear advantage over other high school graduates living on their own for the first time.

A Bigger Focus on Personal Growth

Oak Hill Academy promotes an environment designed around personal and academic growth. Our inclusive and relational approach to college preparatory education gives students a head start on their peers, both in their attention to studies and in the way they carry themselves through life as mature young adults.

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