Oak Hill Blog

Virtual Morning Assembly for Monday, April 6th, 2020

This morning’s virtual assembly includes remarks from Dr. Groves, Rev. Turnmire, Mr. Giszack, Mr. Butt, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Groves, including an impressive list of recent college acceptances for Oak Hill Academy seniors. (Go, Warriors!) The broadcast ends with a senior devotion from Sushi!

NOTE: Click the image to link to the OHA Events page. Once there, click on the video with Rev. Turnmire:
at 4:24 there’s a short Gold Team team highlight reel from 2018-19;
at 5:56 you’ll see a new promotional video of our campus (bird’s-eye view courtesy of a drone), narrated by OHA’s Director of Admission, Mrs. Katherine Giszack; and
at 9:23 our April 6th Morning Assembly begins. Happy Monday, y’all!


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