Oak Hill Blog

Back to school theme at Oak Hill Academy

Pencils and notebooks are lining the front and center shelves of many stores, signaling our imminent return to school. As we stand on the cusp of the new academic year at Oak Hill Academy, we are thrilled to unveil our inspiring theme for 2023-2024: #Care. This theme seamlessly aligns with Oak Hill Academy’s foundational values of community, moral courage, responsibility, and transformation.

Fostering Community

One of the things that makes our high school (grades 8-12) community special is the fact that all of our students live right on campus, as do most of the faculty and staff. Because our small-by-design group of 140 students is 100% boarding, caring relationships develop into a feeling of family and home.

Championing Moral Courage

Having integrity and treating others as we want to be treated is a foundation for caring actions and community service. From the honor code in the classrooms, to the mentorship that takes place in residential life, to good sportsmanship in athletics, moral courage is a key component in all of Oak Hill Academy’s programs.

Cultivating Responsibility

Teaching students independence in a structured environment is another way OHA guides students towards a caring lifestyle. As students gradually assume responsibility for their choices, they unlock the rewards of positive outcomes and the formation of constructive habits. This includes a well-balanced routine that encompasses various activities, nurturing discipline, and well-being.

Facilitating Transformation

At a college preparatory school like Oak Hill Academy, the ultimate goal is to prepare students for life after high school. To that end, students learn how to care for and advocate for themselves, through our technology wellness policies and supportive academic expectations, along with the total program of the school.

Oak Hill Academy looks forward to the return to campus and the continuation of our journey under the banner of #CARE. Compassion and personal growth will guide us as we embark on a new academic chapter for the 2023-2024 school year.

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