Oak Hill Blog

OHA routines soothe teens

OHA’s Counseling Director highlights our school’s reassuring structure.

Teenagers have so much to accomplish! Not just homework and extracurriculars … but internal work, too. Their brains are developing rapidly. They’re trying to figure out who they are–and how to manage their thoughts and emotions. They’re making constant social and academic decisions. And they’re developing competencies and independence to carry them into the next stage of their lives.

Whew! I’m tired just thinking about it! And yet they live this experience every day.  Add a pandemic, social unrest, and navigating social media to their already full plates. It’s not surprising we’ve seen an increase in stress and anxiety in this age group.

At Oak Hill Academy, we keep this in mind throughout everything we do. Our program is built on structure and accountability. These elements are known to increase academic success and facilitate social/emotional growth. And they also have a soothing effect on stress. Routines offer comfort and security, which are hard to find during a pandemic.

The relationships we offer to students, which are integral to Oak Hill’s identity, serve as an antidote for anxiety as well. Students here feel more connected, less alone, and they have access to a community that cares, and can help guide them through rough waters.

Our COVID strategy was carefully crafted to create as much “normalcy” as possible over the course of the semester. And normalcy is a powerful treatment for pandemic-related stress.

Our soothing routines, clear expectations, caring relationships, coaching strategies and COVID approach are all designed to help students feel safer, calmer and able to accomplish important work.

Mrs. Joy Groves, MA, LPC, NCC
Director of Counseling
Oak Hill Academy


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