Oak Hill Blog

A Boarding School Home Room Prayer Inspired by MLK, Jr. Day

Each morning in homeroom at Oak Hill Academy, a prayer is offered as our school community gathers in Chapel.  I found today’s prayer, delivered by our Campus Minister, inspiring and particularly revealing of our hearts here.  We are a Baptist boarding school community, AND there is tremendous diversity found on our campus.  This message was delivered and received in the spirit this day deserves.

Heavenly Father,

After much wrestling with the demons of hate and prejudice, after turmoil, riots, and death, I believe you inspired the better nature of enough people of the United States to set aside this day to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.  Help us to be thankful for the bravery of Dr. King, and all those like him who, inspired by the life and death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, took up their crosses and dared to challenge the unrighteousness of the status quo.  I am thankful for the prophetic voice of Dr. King.  Thankful for his enduring words.  Thanks for all people whose faith in you inspires them to have the moral courage to confront acts of intolerance, bullying, oppression, hatred, racism, sexual harassment, or any act of injustice.

 Forgive our apathy.  Call to judgment our acts of willful ignorance.  Convict our hearts and minds that we may repent of the harm we perpetuate on others.  Cleanse us of our iniquity.  Lead us into the light of your love that we may hold sacred our common humanity.

 I pray these words in your name.  And Amen.









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